Posts Tagged ‘mindfulness’

Morning Meditation 1, 10, 2024

January 10, 2024

This morning as I began my meditation I used the method described in my previous blog entry—that of dissolving the objective world by letting go of the patterned-ego, the self, and the Self as I focus on Subjective Consciousness without an object and imagine High Indifference.

Partway into today’s meditation it was as if someone changed the channel and provided a clarification—a necessary one. And it came via the soul levels of the Kabbalah. I should add here that, for me, High Indifference is akin to Mt Everest which can be reached by way of several paths but, primarily, by way of the Northeast and Southeast routes. So, High Indifference can be reached through Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam or Christianity because their mystical or esoteric paths all arrive at the summit.


Morning Meditation 1, 9, 2024

January 9, 2024

Sometimes I wish I had a device that could record my meditations and provide a printout. Today in particular because my meditation actually began about 3 a.m. when I suddenly woke up and began thinking about Merrell-Wolff’s explanation of subject/object consciousness. I fell back to sleep, but the thought process began again when I sat for my official meditation. I’ll do my best to remember.

Everything begins with Consciousness or Light and here I must mix philosophies. I believe the Kabbalah explains it best: There is Ein Sof which is everything, and it sends its Light into Keter and then to the first sephirah which is Hokhmah or Wisdom. Ein Sof retains its Essence. So for my understanding, we do not know, and maybe never will know, what Essence is. I think of it as the unknowable Creator which means we only know its Creation made from Consciousness or Light.
