The Road I Know by Stewart Edward White

Once again I have returned to Stewart Edward White’s book The Road I Know in which he wrote about Betty White’s experience with the Invisibles and how they introduced her to the Life Force.

The Life Force, Betty was told, “is the vital principle that is the basis of all manifestations and energies that make up the universe. It is the underlying evolutionary power, force, life that makes things, and keeps them in being, in development, and in functioning. The highest expression of this force on earth indubitably is human consciousness.”

Further, “Consciousness is the one and only reality. We sense this highest of reality, but not broken into bits as is our own experience, but all-inclusive-and all knowing. Some people name it God: some people name it something else. That does not matter.”

“The Source is the vital principle of which we must partake for mere being. It is the origin, cause, basis of existence. But merely to exist is not enough. Creation must also function. To function it must have energy, power. And that energy and power, certainly so far as we are concerned, must be renewed as it exhausts itself by use,”

The Invisibles also referred to the Life Force as “beauty and love”. They told Betty, “You hear us say love so often that the word ceases to convey any idea to you; but it is the all-containing, permeating essence which will unite your world to ours. We wish we had another word for it. But we see it as the first principle of growth. Open the flood gates, let the great current of the universe pour through you to others, if you would live.”

They added that the whole universe is dependent on the amount of the Life Force one is able to generate and utilize. “One’s participation in the abounding beauty of the whole Plan is dependent only on one’s own efforts. One is tremendously responsible for one’s radius. That is what one is judged by.”

“But now we are called upon to discover that renewal is a universal need. The vast machine that is creation in cosmos, that is the earth and all that in it is, that is ourselves, must have its power, and it must be renewed. Otherwise all sits ‘numb, dumb and unaware,’ awaiting the Word.”

Expansion of the heart, they told her, “is the only possible instrument for shaping your destiny. Without it, the rest is struggle and suffering and delay. With it, all is an open door!”

“The first business of each day should be a recognition of the sun of your life—unquestioning and eager heartlifting acknowledgment of the warm, loving, positive creative force of the universe beyond your knowledge. Always give time to purify and clothe fittingly your spirit to contemplate the unknown great Causal Force operating through each living thing. Unless you make a conscious exercise of this, conscious power is not yours throughout the day. And they emphasized, that power throughout the day must be conscious.”

Having explained the necessities of expanding the heart and realizing the flow of the Life Force, the Invisibles taught Betty another aspect. “‘Remember,’ reiterated the Invisible, ‘the first point—that the active life means constant inflowing and outflowing. You must never, never forget to be constantly giving out.’”

“It is the functioning itself that counts. The main thing is to get rid of the stoppage at the place of meeting with the world. The ‘through’ process must be acquired. Without this giving out there is no circulation. From now on your outgo must equal your intake.’”

“The important thing to realize is that this unified consciousness cannot be imprisoned and shackled. It must be held lightly and loaned to others, passed freely and lavishing. One’s function is to help conduct a flow—not to steal a cupful of something and run away with it.”

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2 Responses to “The Road I Know by Stewart Edward White”

  1. ingliska33 Says:

    Thank you very much Charles.

    The repetitions are ALWAYS good to see!! And as to reread anew your input by Stewart E. White from the book: “The Road I Know” this Sunday Morning, gave me 0ne of these rare “AHA-moments.”

    I have laboured all of your book contents from the many years to be “online” with yours, and how much to have learned by it my dear friend(s) from “The Past.”

    Heartily, Inger Lise.

    • charlessides Says:

      Thank you for commenting on this blog entry too. I have returned to the Betty White books many times and always learn something new. Since my first copy of The Road I Know was an original fifth printing from 1942, I purchased a new copy with a 2016 copyright. Same material but the pages don’t break when I read them.

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