Probably the most interesting dream I’ve ever had…

Early Friday morning I had a dream which I immediately typed in my journal. I have been pondering its meaning, so after the journal entry is my present understanding. If anyone has other insights, I would be interested in reading them.

“February 2, 2024 Friday 2:55 am

“Just returned from the bathroom and remembered the dream I was having…it’s a really strange one. I don’t know how it started or what was happening at first, but the part I do remember begins with me driving to my cremation. Suddenly I was inside a building with a man and a woman who informed me that she would be handling the cremation. There was some conversation, but I don’t recall what it was. Then, although I was standing there watching, I knew my body was inside the enclosure. There was a flash of light and a loud sound which meant my body was being burned. I recall stepping back several feet and possibly leaning against a wall. The man who was there asked if I was okay and I said yes.

“It was over quickly and the next part I remember was the woman handing me a container with my ashes in it. I thought they would be in a box, but it was a large mixing bowl without a top.

“Next I was home and walked into the house with the bowl and said something to Jenny. There was another woman in the house who was helping prepare a meal. I went into a dining room, nothing was familiar, and Jenny came with me. I placed the bowl on the table and said to her, “How can I be here in a body when my ashes are in the container?” We were both perplexed. Then she said quietly that she wished the woman who was visiting was not there because this was a rather momentous occasion. I believe the last thought I had in the dream was still wondering how I could be standing there talking to Jenny when the ashes of my body were in the container sitting on the table.

“It’s now 3:07 a.m. and I’m sending this to Frank for his opinion. I’m also not going back over it and proofreading it. Somehow I hope to go back to bed and sleep.”

Analysis: As indicated in my recent blog entries, I have been focused on the death process, especially as presented in The Tibetan Book of the Dead. So, in a way, the dream is close to what I believe might happen when I die. If the ego-consciousness goes blank immediately after death, just like when we initially fall asleep, I wouldn’t remember anything until the ego-consciousness is awakened after the encounter with the wrathful deities. At that time the former “I” may wish to return to earth and, if it does, it encounters its own funeral or possessions being given away.

In my dream, I returned to my cremation which can be upsetting and disorienting. Although it’s what I believe may happen, in the dream I was confused about knowing that I was dead, the body was gone, and yet I was still alive. Further, the dead person may see loved ones and attempt to speak with them, but usually they cannot be seen or heard. Being able to communicate with Jenny surprised both of us in the dream, but I believe it’s a testament to our relationship that remains beyond death.

Frank added interesting perspectives. I had not placed any meaning on the “large mixing bowl” but Frank saw it this way: “You had thought it would be closed, contained, over, finished. In fact, though, it wasn’t enclosed, contained, over. Even after death, your life continues, your possibilities are still open-ended…the new reality is going to be different in some way than what you expected, if only due to what we might call translation errors from 3D to non-3D.”

And, he reminded me of Bob Monroe’s statement, “I am more than my physical body.”

As I have written in blog entries many times, I have read so much that a lot of information is understood mentally, but little has flowed into my body. I have my expectations of what death will be like but, as Rita Warren explained to Frank, it’s more like going down a sliding board and not holding onto the sides. Hmmm…I don’t really like surprises.

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7 Responses to “Probably the most interesting dream I’ve ever had…”

  1. ingliska33 Says:

    Charles, thank you for sharing and telling this highly interesting dream.

    And came to be thinking at Seth`s explanations about the death transmission to each of us; not one alike! But often thinking IF in us to go through the death process eons of “times”…why not to recall all of it when “dying”? Especially if to have done it countless times? Wonders if it is created all new each “time” when dying.” All time excist simultaneous as parallels, and ever works as probable realities. “You Create Your Own Reality.” That`s a repetition of Seths all the time.

    Another Seth quote: We are as dead now as we ever will be. Oh, well, well. In my mind the summary must be; there is this HOLOGRAPHIC Life and Death along with just a mass-created vivid conscious imagination.

    BTW: A couple of Days ago told(more or less demanding my husband) in my own wish to become cremated, just because Oyvin wanted “the old protestantic”- (Lutheran) funeral custody for himself. Oyvin is 83 years old by now and still “going strong”.

    Thank you once again Charles, and Jenny too.

    • charlessides Says:

      Thank you for commenting on my dream which was certainly an interesting one. I’m still pondering some of its aspects. As for what happens when we die, Jenny and I have already made and paid for our plans. I chose to be cremated and Jenny chose a “green” burial in Yellow Springs.

  2. janeperanteau Says:

    I’ve witnessed, in dreams, the deaths of my “past” lives, and that can be harrowing. I’ve not witnessed my death in this life, so I’m pretty impressed you have. The first thing it said to me was about how far you have come in spiritual understanding and progress because you had the courage and held a detailed focus right through the cremation. Being handed your own ashes felt like coming full circle–coming back to the awareness you started with. Powerful.

    • charlessides Says:

      Thank you for commenting on my dream entry. Yes, I agree, it felt powerful so I was thankful I didn’t just go back to bed and forget it in the morning. In meditation I too have experienced the death of some “previous lives” or strands, but this one surprised me. In Buddhism there are 8 levels of consciousness with the seventh level being basically the ego. I think, therefore, that in the dream it was the awakening of the 7th level during the bardo experience which was why it was confused. I was viewing the intermediate state when that level of consciousness returns to earth and is upset. I believe that was why Jenny appeared in the dream to assure me it was a momentous occasion. I’m hoping to have another dream in which I continue the experience as I adjust to the higher frequency of death.

  3. ingliska33 Says:

    Jane ditto, and thank you telling this too.

    Yes, experiencing “former death`s” are harrowing BUT came to realize there`s a particular difference between the bodily consciousnees and the MIND.

    The bodily CELLS to have a consciouness by its own and all what ever to have happened to the bodily experiences. The MIND is felt all “above” and “behind” the physical. And to recal another part of me – not the “I” to know Daily – but when in distress, as well as if within some stressfull dreams; then My Mind is experienced “to be” OUTSIDE/ABOVE,or beside, or behind me, not my body. As if my mind encompasing everywhere about me within a strange world, watching my bodily-experience OBJECTIVELY neutral, and non-emotional. And to recal FELT “IT” asking:”What`s going on” ? as if the other “I” or “IT” cannot understand what`s going on within my physical bodily environment?

    Each time when to have experienced these things to realize being TWO “places at once.” My body is one place and the other “I”(my mind, or IT)all another “place.” My feeling/emotion each time during my experiences in the past – and again, it is felt like my Mind don`t KNOW what my Body IS “doing”, or what I`m doing in it,(within)my body!

    Such stressful situations can happen during combat in war(reading lots about it, and dreamt about being a soldier killed in WWI and WWII), and the loss of close family members …or all sorts of trauma, etc.etc. Every stressful experience(s), ever happened to The Physical Cells (the composed cells in the body).

    Thank you to Charles bringing these important & Powerful matters up.

    • charlessides Says:

      You have certainly had a lot of interesting experiences in which you had the realization that “you are more than your physical body”. For myself, I know that I am not my physical body, but it was the first time I actually experienced it in the dream.

  4. ingliska33 Says:

    Charles, came to think about what Seth`s told to Jane Roberts and Robert Butts in some of their first ESP class-sessions…

    And quote(pharaphrasing); “you are here (in your body) “to wake up” and becoming aware of your Universal consciousness. There`s no difference between your Dreams and your Daily awareness if your conscious mind opens up to its Universal counterpart.

    And that`s what you did according to Seth.

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