An Interesting Meditative Thought

When I sat for meditation this morning, an interesting thought about souls floated into my mind.

Preface: During my teenage and early adult years, I had no interest in religion or spirituality; my life was about sports. In college I focused on literature since my intention was to become a seventh-grade English teacher, and one assignment from the American Literature Course was to read Emerson’s essay The Over-Soul. Upon reading it I thought to myself, “That’s it!” but I didn’t even know what “it” was. Without any background, I knew “it” was true.

Fast forward about thirty years and, due to personal circumstances, I began devoting myself to studying religion and spirituality. I read about the Kabbalah which states there is only one soul, Adam Kadmon, and that we are part of that unity. I have an image of this one large soul separating itself into smaller oversouls, and they separating into even smaller oversouls, so it’s oversouls all the way down into manifestation and all the way back to the one soul. Of course, we never really left Adam Kadmon at all.

I felt that concept was confirmed when Frank DeMarco wrote about “strands”. The concept being that when we are born, we are composed of individual souls that have lived previously in earth time. This fits with the kabbalistic concept that each incarnation is a new soul. Consequently, the strands are united in the new soul and remain part of it, but its purpose is to develop itself so that it can “participate” in future incarnations.

So, the previous paragraphs are all part of my normal abstract thinking, but this morning a new thought arrived. When a new soul establishes itself sufficiently to be considered a functioning and useful soul, it is used again. But, eventually, as the soul progresses, it does not have other new strands added to its makeup; it is one united soul. In a sense, it becomes its own oversoul, composed of all the parts much like an adult recalling being five-years old, twenty, thirty, forty, seventy.

When this soul incarnates, it’s no longer a new soul but one functioning at a higher frequency. This morning in meditation I suddenly realized that’s why spiritual beings such as the Dalai Lama and other tulkus are “found” when they are reborn. It is one soul with such a high level of consciousness that it recalls its previous lives and returns with a purpose to assist others.

Then another thought came: I recalled Jane Roberts’ Seth material stating that when Jesus incarnated his frequency was so great that it separated into three beings living on the earth at the same time: Jesus, John the Baptist and Saul/Paul.

So this morning I had an image of each new soul becoming its own oversoul and moving up through the frequences and levels of consciousness until it had the choice of either returning to Adam Kadmon or returning to the world to assist others—in Buddhism, as a Bodhisattva.

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